

Ashleigh Anpilova


Tim tries to define Abby.

An established relationship story.

Written: March 2008. Word count: 200.



How do you define Abby?


I'm not sure I know.


Is it by her taste in music?


Her weird taste in artwork?


Is it by her beliefs? Both in God and in science.


Can she be defined by what she wears?


Does calling her a 'Goth' define her?


Can you define her by what she eats? Drinks?


Is a caffeine-high Abby, the true Abby?


Does her love of black roses say anything 'real' about her? Anything important about her?


What is she?


She's loyal – to people more than to a job or place.


She's bound to NCIS by the team.


Gibbs; Ducky; Tony; me (I hope); Palmer; even Ziva.


Take them away and I doubt Abby would stay.


She's driven.


She's intelligent, both book-smart and street-smart.


She's kind.


She's compassionate.


She's passionate.


She cares, intensely.


She's insecure, but secure in her insecurity.


She bounces.


She loves to hug and be hugged.


She's not great at respecting personal space.


What else?


Well, she's the woman I love.


The woman I plan to grow old with.


She's my wife of two years standing.


She's pregnant with our twin boys.


She's . . .


She's Abby.


Abigail Sciuto. Now Abigail McGee.


She's Abby.


And I love her.


Feedback is always appreciated

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