

Ashleigh Anpilova


Tim can't tell Abby.

An established relationship story.

Gibbs/Ducky as a couple are also implied in this story.

Written: November 2007. Word count: 100.



He couldn't tell her. It would only upset her more.


He couldn't tell her. She didn't want to hear it.


He couldn't tell her. Couldn't tell her it was right Gibbs and Ducky had died together.


He couldn't tell her. Couldn't tell her it was what they would have wanted.


He couldn't tell her. Instead he comforted her in other ways: held her, kissed her, dried her tears, told her he loved her.


He couldn't tell her. He couldn't tell her he hoped, when the time came, she and he went the same way as Gibbs and Ducky had: together.



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