

Ashleigh Anpilova


It's Tim and Abby's wedding day and Abby has a surprise for Tim.

An established relationship story.

Gibbs/Ducky as a couple are also mentioned in this story.

Written: October 2007. Word count: 100.




Black was the color Tim always associated with Abby.


Black dress, black gloves, black boots, black parasol, black everything.


So as he stood, Ducky by his side, waiting for her to join him to become his wife, he expected her to be dressed in black.


"Oh," Ducky exclaimed quietly.


Tim turned.


There walking into the room, her arm through Gibbs's, was Abby.


His Abby.


His Abby dressed in a calf length cream dress and cream court shoes.


The same minister who had, two weeks earlier, performed a similar ceremony for Gibbs and Ducky, declared Tim and Abby husband and wife.




Somewhat Fitting is the sequel to this story.


Feedback is always appreciated

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